使用 @ohos.deviceInfo (设备信息) 获取:
import deviceInfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo';
名称 | 类型 | 可读 | 可写 | 说明 |
deviceType | string | 是 | 否 | 设备类型,只允许查询,结果不能用于业务代码开发。详细请参考deviceTypes标签。 |
manufacture | string | 是 | 否 | 设备厂家名称。 |
brand | string | 是 | 否 | 设备品牌名称。 |
marketName | string | 是 | 否 | 外部产品系列。 |
productSeries | string | 是 | 否 | 产品系列。 |
productModel | string | 是 | 否 | 认证型号。 |
softwareModel | string | 是 | 否 | 内部软件子型号。 |
hardwareModel | string | 是 | 否 | 硬件版本号。 |
hardwareProfile(deprecated) | string | 是 | 否 | 硬件Profile。说明:从API version 6 开始支持,从API version 9 开始废弃。 |
serial | string | 是 | 否 | 设备序列号,仅限系统应用使用。说明:可作为设备唯一识别码。需要权限:ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID |
bootloaderVersion | string | 是 | 否 | Bootloader版本号。 |
abiList | string | 是 | 否 | 应用二进制接口(Abi)。 |
securityPatchTag | string | 是 | 否 | 安全补丁级别。 |
displayVersion | string | 是 | 否 | 产品版本。 |
incrementalVersion | string | 是 | 否 | 差异版本号。 |
osReleaseType | string | 是 | 否 | 系统的发布类型,取值为:- Canary:面向特定开发者发布的早期预览版本,不承诺API稳定性。- Beta:面向开发者公开发布的Beta版本,不承诺API稳定性。- Release:面向开发者公开发布的正式版本,承诺API稳定性。 |
osFullName | string | 是 | 否 | 系统版本。 |
majorVersion | number | 是 | 否 | Major版本号,随主版本更新增加。 |
seniorVersion | number | 是 | 否 | Senior版本号,随局部架构、重大特性增加。 |
featureVersion | number | 是 | 否 | Feature版本号,标识规划的新特性版本。 |
buildVersion | number | 是 | 否 | Build版本号,标识编译构建的版本号。 |
sdkApiVersion | number | 是 | 否 | 系统软件API版本。 |
firstApiVersion | number | 是 | 否 | 首个版本系统软件API版本。 |
versionId | string | 是 | 否 | 版本ID。 |
buildType | string | 是 | 否 | 构建类型。 |
buildUser | string | 是 | 否 | 构建用户。 |
buildHost | string | 是 | 否 | 构建主机。 |
buildTime | string | 是 | 否 | 构建时间。 |
buildRootHash | string | 是 | 否 | 构建版本Hash。 |
udid7+ | string | 是 | 否 | 设备Udid,仅限系统应用使用。说明:数据长度为65字节。可作为设备唯一识别码。需要权限:ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID |
distributionOSName10+ | String | 是 | 否 | 发行版系统名称。 |
distributionOSVersion10+ | String | 是 | 否 | 发行版系统版本号。 |
distributionOSApiVersion10+ | number | 是 | 否 | 发行版系统api版本。 |
distributionOSReleaseType10+ | String | 是 | 否 | 发行版系统类型。 |
import deviceinfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo';
let deviceTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.deviceType;
console.info('the value of the deviceType is :' + deviceTypeInfo);
let manufactureInfo: string = deviceinfo.manufacture;
console.info('the value of the manufactureInfo is :' + manufactureInfo);
let brandInfo: string = deviceinfo.brand;
console.info('the value of the device brand is :' + brandInfo);
let marketNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.marketName;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo marketName is :' + marketNameInfo);
let productSeriesInfo: string = deviceinfo.productSeries;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productSeries is :' + productSeriesInfo);
let productModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.productModel;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productModel is :' + productModelInfo);
let softwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.softwareModel;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo softwareModel is :' + softwareModelInfo);
let hardwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareModel;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareModel is :' + hardwareModelInfo);
let hardwareProfileInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareProfile;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareProfile is :' + hardwareProfileInfo);
let serialInfo: string = deviceinfo.serial;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo serial is :' + serialInfo);
let bootloaderVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.bootloaderVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo bootloaderVersion is :' + bootloaderVersionInfo);
let abiListInfo: string = deviceinfo.abiList;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo abiList is :' + abiListInfo);
let securityPatchTagInfo: string = deviceinfo.securityPatchTag;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo securityPatchTag is :' + securityPatchTagInfo);
let displayVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.displayVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo displayVersion is :' + displayVersionInfo);
let incrementalVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.incrementalVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo incrementalVersion is :' + incrementalVersionInfo);
let osReleaseTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.osReleaseType;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osReleaseType is :' + osReleaseTypeInfo);
let osFullNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.osFullName;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osFullName is :' + osFullNameInfo);
let majorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.majorVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo majorVersion is :' + majorVersionInfo);
let seniorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.seniorVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo seniorVersion is :' + seniorVersionInfo);
let featureVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.featureVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo featureVersion is :' + featureVersionInfo);
let buildVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.buildVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildVersion is :' + buildVersionInfo);
let sdkApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.sdkApiVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo sdkApiVersion is :' + sdkApiVersionInfo);
let firstApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.firstApiVersion;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo firstApiVersion is :' + firstApiVersionInfo);
let versionIdInfo: string = deviceinfo.versionId;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo versionId is :' + versionIdInfo);
let buildTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildType;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildType is :' + buildTypeInfo);
let buildUserInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildUser;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildUser is :' + buildUserInfo);
let buildHostInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildHost;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildHost is :' + buildHostInfo);
let buildTimeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildTime;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildTime is :' + buildTimeInfo);
let buildRootHashInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildRootHash;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildRootHash is :' + buildRootHashInfo);
let udid: string = deviceinfo.udid;
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo udid is :' + udid);
let distributionOSName: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSName
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSName is :' + distributionOSName);
let distributionOSVersion: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSVersion
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSVersion is :' + distributionOSVersion);
let distributionOSApiVersion: number = deviceinfo.distributionOSApiVersion
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSApiVersion is :' + distributionOSApiVersion);
let distributionOSReleaseType: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSReleaseType
console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSReleaseType is :' + distributionOSReleaseType);