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使用 @ohos.deviceInfo (设备信息) 获取:

import deviceInfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo';



名称 类型 可读 可写 说明
deviceType string 设备类型,只允许查询,结果不能用于业务代码开发。详细请参考deviceTypes标签
manufacture string 设备厂家名称。
brand string 设备品牌名称。
marketName string 外部产品系列。
productSeries string 产品系列。
productModel string 认证型号。
softwareModel string 内部软件子型号。
hardwareModel string 硬件版本号。
hardwareProfile(deprecated) string 硬件Profile。说明:从API version 6 开始支持,从API version 9 开始废弃。
serial string 设备序列号,仅限系统应用使用。说明:可作为设备唯一识别码。需要权限:ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID
bootloaderVersion string Bootloader版本号。
abiList string 应用二进制接口(Abi)。
securityPatchTag string 安全补丁级别。
displayVersion string 产品版本。
incrementalVersion string 差异版本号。
osReleaseType string 系统的发布类型,取值为:- Canary:面向特定开发者发布的早期预览版本,不承诺API稳定性。- Beta:面向开发者公开发布的Beta版本,不承诺API稳定性。- Release:面向开发者公开发布的正式版本,承诺API稳定性。
osFullName string 系统版本。
majorVersion number Major版本号,随主版本更新增加。
seniorVersion number Senior版本号,随局部架构、重大特性增加。
featureVersion number Feature版本号,标识规划的新特性版本。
buildVersion number Build版本号,标识编译构建的版本号。
sdkApiVersion number 系统软件API版本。
firstApiVersion number 首个版本系统软件API版本。
versionId string 版本ID。
buildType string 构建类型。
buildUser string 构建用户。
buildHost string 构建主机。
buildTime string 构建时间。
buildRootHash string 构建版本Hash。
udid7+ string 设备Udid,仅限系统应用使用。说明:数据长度为65字节。可作为设备唯一识别码。需要权限:ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID
distributionOSName10+ String 发行版系统名称。
distributionOSVersion10+ String 发行版系统版本号。
distributionOSApiVersion10+ number 发行版系统api版本。
distributionOSReleaseType10+ String 发行版系统类型。


    import deviceinfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo';

    let deviceTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.deviceType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceType is :' + deviceTypeInfo);

    let manufactureInfo: string = deviceinfo.manufacture;
    console.info('the value of the manufactureInfo is :' + manufactureInfo);

    let brandInfo: string = deviceinfo.brand;
    console.info('the value of the device brand is :' + brandInfo);

    let marketNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.marketName;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo marketName is :' + marketNameInfo);

    let productSeriesInfo: string = deviceinfo.productSeries;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productSeries is :' + productSeriesInfo);

    let productModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.productModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productModel is :' + productModelInfo);

    let softwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.softwareModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo softwareModel is :' + softwareModelInfo);

    let hardwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareModel is :' + hardwareModelInfo);

    let hardwareProfileInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareProfile;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareProfile is :' + hardwareProfileInfo);

    let serialInfo: string = deviceinfo.serial;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo serial is :' + serialInfo);

    let bootloaderVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.bootloaderVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo bootloaderVersion is :' + bootloaderVersionInfo);

    let abiListInfo: string = deviceinfo.abiList;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo abiList is :' + abiListInfo);

    let securityPatchTagInfo: string = deviceinfo.securityPatchTag;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo securityPatchTag is :' + securityPatchTagInfo);

    let displayVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.displayVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo displayVersion is :' + displayVersionInfo);

    let incrementalVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.incrementalVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo incrementalVersion is :' + incrementalVersionInfo);

    let osReleaseTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.osReleaseType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osReleaseType is :' + osReleaseTypeInfo);

    let osFullNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.osFullName;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osFullName is :' + osFullNameInfo);

    let majorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.majorVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo majorVersion is :' + majorVersionInfo);

    let seniorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.seniorVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo seniorVersion is :' + seniorVersionInfo);

    let featureVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.featureVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo featureVersion is :' + featureVersionInfo);

    let buildVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.buildVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildVersion is :' + buildVersionInfo);

    let sdkApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.sdkApiVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo sdkApiVersion is :' + sdkApiVersionInfo);

    let firstApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.firstApiVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo firstApiVersion is :' + firstApiVersionInfo);

    let versionIdInfo: string = deviceinfo.versionId;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo versionId is :' + versionIdInfo);

    let buildTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildType is :' + buildTypeInfo);

    let buildUserInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildUser;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildUser is :' + buildUserInfo);

    let buildHostInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildHost;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildHost is :' + buildHostInfo);

    let buildTimeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildTime;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildTime is :' + buildTimeInfo);

    let buildRootHashInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildRootHash;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildRootHash is :' + buildRootHashInfo);

    let udid: string = deviceinfo.udid;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo udid is :' + udid);

    let distributionOSName: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSName
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSName is :' + distributionOSName);

    let distributionOSVersion: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSVersion
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSVersion is :' + distributionOSVersion);

    let distributionOSApiVersion: number = deviceinfo.distributionOSApiVersion
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSApiVersion is :' + distributionOSApiVersion);

    let distributionOSReleaseType: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSReleaseType
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSReleaseType is :' + distributionOSReleaseType);